By Sharondavies
United Kingdom
how far back can i cut a castor oil plant without killing it as it is about 6ft tall?
On plant
Ricinus communis
12 Jun, 2010
I'm assuming the plant you have is in fact Fatsia japonica, and not Ricinus, which is grown as an annual outside, or as a houseplant, and wouldn't be 6 foot tall in the garden at this time of year. Fatsia can get 10 feet high by the same wide, but it is a large plant and shouldn't be cut back too far - you can, though, reduce its size by about a third to half now.
12 Jun, 2010
my neighber apserlutley butcherd his down to virtuly a stump . i thaught hed killed it but there it is again growing dogs had a fight ages ago and snapped all the main stems of mine and thats 6 foot again . i guess there must be another reasen not to chop it further than a third as im know expert.
12 Jun, 2010
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you can be quite brutal as it goes as long as you la growing tip or 2 .
12 Jun, 2010