Mid Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
How can I get the best from my wisteria? it's a young plant which successfully survived the winter - but no flowers yet. Should I be feeding it bonemeal??
12 Jun, 2010
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You need to learn to train and prune it properly, and as yours is a young plant, now's the time to start. Forget the bonemeal, it doesn't need feeding really. I don't know what kind of area you're hoping to cover - if its a wide area, or, say, 3 separate trellises, then you need to decide how many main stems you want. Normally, they should be restricted to one or two - you let these grow as tall as you need (usually the top of the trellis, so about 6 foot) then you cut out the top, continuing to tie in or twine round the support the side shoots. Remove any other growth coming from the base that tries to sneak sideways! In August, trim back the laterals (side shoots) by about half. Next thing to do is in mid February (even if there's snow on the ground, doesn't matter) - go out and trim back the laterals again to about 6 inches. Repeat this August/Feb performance the following year, but leave the laterals a bit longer than you did the previous year (unless you want to restrict its size). It may take up to seven years to flower, but hopefully will do it sooner, and will flower quicker and better if it is in sun.
12 Jun, 2010