By Valeriana
United Kingdom
we have bracken growing at the edge of the pond. Could this be harmful to tadpoles, frofs and other pond-life
On plant
harmful Bracken?
29 Jul, 2014
Not really - it is allelopathic, as I expect you know, and although not yet proven, in countries where parts of this plant are consumed, there is a much greater incidence of digestive tract and oesophogeal cancer which might be caused by consuming this plant. The spores are carcinogenic, but that's in the long rather than short term. Your fish are probably at more risk from any herbicide you might consider using to get rid of the bracken.
29 Jul, 2014
But bracken can be a menace if it gets established. I'd get it out and replace with a fern if you like the effect.
29 Jul, 2014
In what way do you mean "harmful"? It isn't toxic and it could provide valuable shade.
29 Jul, 2014