By Wendikins
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
When manure is described as 'well rotted', how long will it have been allowed to rot as it were ? We have a friend with horses and they are happy to get rid of it and we would like some for our new raised bed, but I don't think they have any idea that it needs to be matured !!
12 Jun, 2010
Recently I heard at a talk that even well rotted manure can still contain traces of pesticides etc for a long time, so beware...
12 Jun, 2010
Thanks for that Nickyt08 & Weeding.
I bet they haven't got any that's that old. My husband was going to collect in bags and put in the car !! I think this might be a bad idea
Might have to think again on this one:%
12 Jun, 2010
Hi I was told that it has to be over two years old or it will burn the plants. I got some from the school farm that was this sort of age and it was amazing the difference. It didnt smell at all and was full of worms, so worth finding if you can.
13 Jun, 2010
You can always collect and allow to rot down yourself or add to compost
13 Jun, 2010
If you 'are' going to rethink it, some garden centres sell composted manure - i've bought it before.
13 Jun, 2010
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Probably anything older than a year. Or untill no straw is left and its of an even consistency etc
12 Jun, 2010