United Kingdom
I planted a crinodendron hookeranium out in April/May and it was doing really well, but now it looks like it is dying. Its gone all 'dried-up' looking despite being watered almost every day through the recent hot spell. I think I have planted it in 'too much sun'. Please can someone help with suggestions as to how to revive it.
3 Aug, 2014
Thanks for the information Derekm. Our soil is sandy, topped with fertilizer so it is on the acid side. It drains freely, but I think the roots have become too warm. I have dug it out today and planted it in a really large pot again in the sandy soil and moved it into a more sheltered spot where it will get the morning sun but be in the shade from about lunch time. it will also be more protected from drying winds. I have watered it well, soaking the rootball first, so hopefully it may survive. It is such a beautiful plant I really do hope it will improve and I will be able to plant it out again. if you have any more suggestions though I would appreciate your comments. Kind regards.
4 Aug, 2014
Hi, that's the trouble with having a sandy soil, it tends to drain too quickly, what you really need is some humousy material such as garden compost, or well rotted manure, even grass clippings, so the soil, or sand, retains more moisture, I sometimes moan about my acid clay soil, but I think on balance, I prefer it to a sandy soil, Derek.
5 Aug, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY, when you watered the plant, did you give it a good soaking, or just wet the ground, so the water evaporated before getting down to the roots ?.
They need a fertile, moist but well drained, humous rich, acid soil in partial shade, but they can be grown in full sun, if you can keep the roots cool, keep sheltered from cold, drying winds, they are hardy down to about 19f , if your area gets colder than this, you would be better growing in a cool greenhouse, where they will also flower earlier, Derek.
3 Aug, 2014