By Lgoodban
United Kingdom
what night time flying insect has a taste for chilie plant in a green house
4 Aug, 2014
I've ruled out slugs,snails caterpillars as I also have some lettuce and rocket at a lower level but these are left alone, only the tops of the chili plants are attacked over night,so much damage has been done that all flowers are killed before producing fruit, I have tried several of the bug sprays but to no effect
6 Aug, 2014
Have you tried covering them with fine netting or fleece overnight?
6 Aug, 2014
thanks for the suggestion of fleece or netting, its to late to save them this year but I'll remember in future
29 Aug, 2014
why must it be a flying one? Vine weevils will walk up the stems. What type of holes are you finding? leaves/fruits or both? could be slugs/snails depending on the damage. Could you add a photo?
4 Aug, 2014