By Cerinthe
United Kingdom
My borders are a feeding ground for snails and slugs. I am now (Aug 5th) digging to remove the cinquefoil and creeping jenny which sheltered them and thinning some plants to get rid of the pests' hiding places. I now need to move a few plants and plant some new ones. My question is this: Can I do it now or should I wait till autumn? Late or early autumn? I don't want to stress any plants out in this summer heat. Thank- you!
- 5 Aug, 2014
I would also use pellets as well as going out and killing any at dusk. Not pleasant but it makes a difference.
5 Aug, 2014
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« What's the best water-soluble fertiliser for broad-leaved evergreens, please?
Autumn, so September/October is the time to move things around, unless the soil is waterlogged. The soil is still warm in October, cools down rapidly from end October onwards.
5 Aug, 2014