By Phoebewhite
United Kingdom
Hi all, I have a beautiful Stags Horn Sumach which has gone absolutely berserk, will it cause it too much harm if I clip it back a bit now, or must I wait until next Spring?
5 Aug, 2014
Thanks Derek, that was pretty much as I thought, I did cut it back quite hard in March (nearly cried when I did it), but this year it has grown and grown, hubby says we will need guides to help us find our way down the garden soon!
Thanks again. PW
6 Aug, 2014
If I have the right plant I seem to think they can sucker quite badly
6 Aug, 2014
Hi Pam, no they don't sucker badly, they do it very well :-), they are renowned for it, Derek.
6 Aug, 2014
Lol Derek...... ?
I rememer by Dad having one, beautiful but such a pain, used to come up in his lawn!
6 Aug, 2014
Yes it comes up all over my lawn and next doors lawn, fortunately she doesn't mind too much...phew!
6 Aug, 2014
Previous question
Hi, if you prune it now, you may get a lot of soft growth, which could be damaged by frost, I think it would be better left until spring, then you can cut it back to within 2 or 3 buds from the base, if it has sent out a lot of suckers, you can cut these off now, if you don't want them, but right at the bottom, Derek.
5 Aug, 2014