By Tjnnannys
United Kingdom
what is the best time to grow vegetables. I have an old dog bath and I would like to grow various vegetables in it?
6 Aug, 2014
And you will need to drill some drainage holes in the dog bath. See my reply to this Q you put on the blogs page.
6 Aug, 2014
I grow carrots in a black square bin I got from the council for newspapers. I put holes in the bottom and it has been a great success.
6 Aug, 2014
Thank you everyone for your sound advise.
So I am a wee bit late for planting spuds etc!! I am a complete novice, never, ever, grown anything before apart raising children... No seriously. I would love to have a go at growing any vegetables. What would your suggestions be for this time of the year?
10 Aug, 2014
You can grow veg all year round....depending on what you want to grow and eat and what time of year you want it.
The optimum time for veg is to sow seeds anywhere between March and july....depending on what you sow, and then reap the harvest during summer.
What would you like to grow and we'll tell you the best time to grow it.
6 Aug, 2014