By Gypsygirl
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
when do roses stop blooming
6 Aug, 2014
tthankyou but my roses are in full bloom now i keep deheading and they keep comming back
6 Aug, 2014
Splendid - they are good value aren't they? As I said, it depends on the variety. Just carry on as you are. Make sure you give them a good feed of Rose food next spring.
6 Aug, 2014
Lucky you, lots of advice on here if you go and look in the search letters at the bottom of the page, or google pruning advice on roses etc. I have learned loads from being on this site about how to care for plants. Just go to the bottom of the page and click on the letter R for Roses or P for pruning, sure you will find lots of helpful advice.
7 Aug, 2014
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Depends on the variety and the weather. Sometimes you can even get the odd bloom at Christmas if its mild. But some only flower once in around June.
6 Aug, 2014