By Thorpist
United Kingdom
Asked by a friend to identify this leaf.
I was thinking silver birch, however the white has me stumped.
any help would be appreciated.

7 Aug, 2014
It's a varigated poplar...of some description !!!!
7 Aug, 2014
I agree with Owdb. leaf miner not variegation - could do with a photo of the whole tree to help i.d.
7 Aug, 2014
many thanks to you all.
7 Aug, 2014
It's not leaf's varigation on a Poplar. Look it up
7 Aug, 2014
Nothing like the variegation on my Poplar.
7 Aug, 2014
Looks more like damage than anything on those Google pics I think. Are all the leaves on the tree the same or just some of them?
7 Aug, 2014
I will try to get more information on the rest of the tree.
7 Aug, 2014
Please see Badfish's latest question today folks - he has put up a much clearer photograph of a variegated leaf which convinces me - have a look.
8 Aug, 2014
Sorry Stera., not convinced trust that Thorpist will get back to us with a pix of the whole tree and whether all the leaves look like this.
8 Aug, 2014
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The white looks like a severe attack of the leaf miner, rather than variegation.
7 Aug, 2014