Can anyone identify this tree?
By Late_crisis
United Kingdom
Ok, try again! Can anyone identify this tree? I bought it as a plant some years ago and it now stands 10 feet tall! It is flowering for the first time and I don't know what to do. All I have ever done to it is prune off the lower fronds as they turn yellow, this seems to inspire it to grow even higher! Any tips welcome. Thanks.

14 Jun, 2010
They do flower periodically, you don't need to do anything, unless you want to remove it because its too large, but that's up to you.
14 Jun, 2010
Thanks 'weatherwise' and 'bamboo'. So, do the flowers just die off or what? Sorry for my stupidity!
14 Jun, 2010
Yes - you'll find they rustle quite a bit in the wind once they're dead! You can get a ladder and cut the main stem out once its died back, but its okay to leave them until they drop on their own (quite a while, that takes!)
14 Jun, 2010
Yeh the flowers die off but hang about on the tree as a dead 'bunch' for literally years. My tree is over 20 foot tall so I cant reach the spent flowers. I have 3 new bunches this year. The flowers don't smell too nice (pongy actually) but the bees like them.
14 Jun, 2010
Thanks for that, much wiser now!
14 Jun, 2010
Cordyline Australis
14 Jun, 2010