By Bev737
United Kingdom
thank you derkm would mirical grow do just as well as tomato feed for the lily
13 Aug, 2014
Hi Bev, I can't find your question relating to lillies, only about Pieris, so I don't know what the question was, or what answer I have given, butI think that if Ihave advised you to use tomato fertilizer, then that would be the 1 to use, I wouldn't use miracle gro at this time of year, or to be honest, at any time, Derek.
13 Aug, 2014
I would have to go along with Derek. Miracle-gro is high in nitrogen to produce "lush growth" which you don't want in a bulb. Tomato feed is lower in nitrogen but higher in potassium which give stronger bulbs. I always use either tomato feed or bonemeal as a fertiliser for all our plants and bulbs.
13 Aug, 2014
bulbaholic and derekm thank you for the sound my lilys thank you to bev737
14 Aug, 2014
Bev, so that Derek will see your thanks, it would be best to go back to the original question and post your thanks in the comments box below the answers.
That way he will get a notification, just like the one you got when I replied to this question.
To answer your question, Miracle-gro should be just fine for your lilies.
I have used Miracle-gro on my lilies a few years back, until i realised I was allergic. I now admire them for afar.
13 Aug, 2014