By Sunshines
United Kingdom
hi do you know of any free garden design websites. kind regards
16 Aug, 2014
thanks urbanite kind regards
16 Aug, 2014
Try › ... › Nature Lovers' Gardening
and if that doesn't work try googling Free interactive garden design tool.
16 Aug, 2014
I recently put a blog on, maybe you missed it.
Professional garden designers photograph the blank
canvas/bare garden. Then lay a sheet of tracing paper on it and draw in the various trees, shrubs, plants, greenhouse, water butt, compost bin etc.
They do this 10 times and the client chooses which design
is preferred.
I thought another way would be to take photo, then place
cut out pictures from old catalogues on the photo to see
how everything will look.
Can be shuffled around this way. Then glued onto the
16 Aug, 2014
thanks so much to all replys
16 Aug, 2014
There are many free garden design programs on the internet for PC's, but be aware, some contain malware, which is a way that the authors cover their cost. Free doesn't necessarily mean free of adverts or pop-ups. If you can live with that then they work well and do a good job.
Anther place to try is somewhere like PC World, who sell things like that, usually for under a tenner.
16 Aug, 2014
thanks myron good advice
17 Aug, 2014
If you have an ipad or other tablet you could start by looking for a garden design app. Though, quite honestly, nothing beats a pad of squared paper and a packet of coloured pencils/crayons.
16 Aug, 2014