By Frederickaj
Merthyr Tydfil,
United Kingdom
My profile photo is of a "day lilly" which flowered first last year .This year there is a great deal of greenery but no sign of the flower .Am I expecting the flower too early in the year or has the winter snow had something to do with the "No Show "?
15 Jun, 2010
Although we live in central France, our first day lily only opened today or yesterday, so perhaps you are being a bit impatient in Merthyr. Spring has been late this year. Day lilies or hemerocallis are usually reliable flowerers and don't seem to go blind like daffodils and other bulbing plants.
15 Jun, 2010
Be patient - the different varieties of Hemerocallis do flower early or late depending on the cultivar. You may well have a late flowering one!
15 Jun, 2010
i think all the leaves and everything are late this year . my day lillies havnt flowerd either .
15 Jun, 2010
Mine have just started to show the flowering shoot, and I have three or four different ones, this is going to be a late season really and now its too dry for everything !
15 Jun, 2010
I think your day lily is Frans Hals. I have one. So far there are no visible flowering shoots. Some of my other ones have put up shoots, Corky which is in front of Frans Hals is about to flower. It has been very dry for weeks, apart from the occasional shower. They are a bit slower this year.
15 Jun, 2010
Many thanks to all your replies to my "slow day lilly " queryI am glad to say there is a small flower shoot which has shown itself today.Will try to post another photo later in the year.
16 Jun, 2010
mine is still not showing so your lucky realy . take care bye for now .
16 Jun, 2010
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15 Jun, 2010