Hi there, I was hoping maybe you guys could help me identify what kind of indoor vine I have
By 66bugg
British Columbia,
Hi there,
I was hoping maybe you guys could help me identify what kind of indoor vine I have... I have not seen one anywhere like it, I cannot find it online etc. (Please see pic attached)
I moved into a place a year and a half ago, and it seems to be dying... It is such a beautiful plant, I call it my "Holy" plant... It is gorgeous, when it is thriving!
There isn't enough light in this place, but am moving soon and cannot wait to bring it back to life.. However, just in case it doesn't last, I would really like to know the name so I can get a few more... If it does die. I have had it for over ten years, and am really sad it isn't doing so well. PLEASE HELP!?

15 Jun, 2010
Getting holes on leaves that small and glossy probably means that it's the close relative Monstera friedrichsthalii, Bugg.
15 Jun, 2010
Thanks guys, I truly appreciate the input.. hopefully I can find one at one of my stores!! :o)
16 Jun, 2010
K, so I did some looking online, and it seems as though these plants get pretty big.
But, my plant has tiny leaves and is a vine, and it doesn't climb.... more or less a hanging plant..
This is really tough.... I can't even find a pic that resembles it, everything is closer to a split leaf looking plant etc.. Gonna keep searching, thanks again guys I am getting closer!! lol
16 Jun, 2010
I looked on google and there it was, try google images of swiss cheese plant and see?
16 Jun, 2010
I FOUND IT!!! WAHOOOOO!!! Thanks again so much, if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have been able to figure it out!!! "Monstera obliqua"
Sorry, what I meant is all the Swiss cheese plants had much larger leaves and bigger/much more narrow holes!! Mine in fairly teeny tiny!! Aaaaahhh so happy, thanks guys!!
16 Jun, 2010
Aha! I'm behind the times! Apparently the name was changed from friedrichsthalii to obliqua. Much easier to remember and spell!
17 Jun, 2010
Hooray !
17 Jun, 2010
I think it's swiss cheese plant, monstera deliciosa ! Might get told different though!
15 Jun, 2010