By Moiraousley
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hi anyone got any ideas of which plants I can use to make winter hanging baskets.
25 Aug, 2014
Can't remember the name, might be winter cherry? Some kind of ornamental pepper or solanum, orange fruits on small bushy jobs all winter, if you can keep it out of the worst of the weather.
25 Aug, 2014
Start with a few clumps of dwarf daffodil bulbs, plus a few crocus and showdrops, maybe a few dwarf tulips.
Then look at ivy for the trailing bit.....maybe a bit of bugle. A dwarf conifer for the middle then fill with a choice of pansies, bellis, polyanthus, Cineraria silver dust.
Most garden centres will have their winter stuff in now, if not very soon.
25 Aug, 2014
I have trailing Tiarellas in mine at the minute, they should be ok throughout the winter months, fingers crossed though :O)
25 Aug, 2014
I find my winter flowering Pansies/ Violas, stop flowering in December and have at least a 6 week rest before they flower again.
But I do find baskets/tubs can still look good all winter if using a mixture of plants and bulbs.
So I put Primulas, Ivy, a slow growing pale conifer with Spring bulbs such as Lilies, Narcissus, Chionodoxa, Tulips, Crocus which all came in miniature forms and flower consecutive months starting with Snowdrops which give the baskets a long and colourful winter Use new compost but there is no need to feed till the spring and water sparingly in winter if at all!
PS dont buy the smaller pansies/voilas as they will not usually flower till the spring.
25 Aug, 2014
Previous question
Hi Moira I have put pansies and ivy in mine. Not hung them up yet but they doing well at moment.
25 Aug, 2014