United Kingdom
Looking for some advice
Good Morning all - having been inspired by some of your photos I now have five non-hardy fuchsias. Question is how best to overwinter them I have an unheated greenhouse and a cold frame inside a polytunnel would either of these be suitable? Do I let them go dry or keep watering? Thank you
26 Aug, 2014
Your cold frame in Poly tunnel would be better than the unheated Greenhouse,Wendy,but I would still cover them with something appropriate,as added protection....Some of mine are kept in the shed,also in a plastic growhouse,both covered with garden fleece..lets them breathe a bit..I don't cut any of mine back.only trim them slightly to tidy them up.,I cut them back when new growth appears at soil level,which is usually after I water them properly in the spring.. make sure all dead leaves are removed,as they fall.I agree with Badfish,about standing them on Polystyrene or similar..as long as they are raised off the soil,or a solid base..wherever your cold frame is situated..
26 Aug, 2014
Thank you Badfish and Bloomer. The cold frame is made from cement blocks left over from a project with an old shower screen side on top so the blocks retain some heat. Have some polystyrene plant trays I could stand them on. Have some very hardy Mrs Popple in the garden and I don't cut them back until growth starts again in spring so think I will do as Bloomer says and just trim to fit inside cold frame. Many thanks again for the advice
26 Aug, 2014
I use a lot of old Polystyrene trays in the bottom of an old cold frame,which is on paving slabs..it really does help..I save all packaging too,especially big flat pieces,to lay on shelves in my growhouse,and if you have any of these,you could line the sides of your cold frame,for more insulation..We don't know what winter has in store for us this year ! Good luck Wendy :o)
26 Aug, 2014
thanks bloomer = here's hoping for a mild winter
26 Aug, 2014
Re watering, I found it was not necessary to water at all once the leaves have all gone.
26 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sue
26 Aug, 2014
Cold frame inside a poly tunnel would be good. They need to be kept dry and just ticking over at the roots.
personally, i'd place them on some polystyrene, cut them back to about 1" tall and then cover the pots in straw. The plants need to be watered very sparingly but also need a bit of ventilation to stop them going rotten.
I would water only when there's a fairly decent mild spell forecast too. You could probably take the straw away if the weather is going to be good.
26 Aug, 2014