By Newby15
United Kingdom
Hello people can you tell me when is the best time to take a cutting off my Red Robin and what does it involve ?
26 Aug, 2014
By Newby15
United Kingdom
Hello people can you tell me when is the best time to take a cutting off my Red Robin and what does it involve ?
Hi, take semi ripe cuttings in summer, with bottom heat, so too late for this year, take a piece of stem that has been produced in the same year as you are taking the cutting, preferably 1 that has not flowered, cut just below a node, { leaf joint } and remove aall but the top 2 leaves, place aaround the edge of a preferably clay pot, in a free draining sandy cutting compost, water, and place in a propagator, in bright light, but not full sun, switch the propagator on, but do not put the clear cover on, you only need the bottom heat, if your propagator has a thermostat, set it to about 65 f, keep moist, and use a fine spray on the foliage, but not too wet, you don't want them to rot, after 4 to 6 weeks you should see signs of new growth, tip the cuttings out of the pot, into your hand, and see if you can see any roots, if roots have developed, pot the cuttings into individual 3 to 4 inch pots of john innes no1, gradually harden them off and put them in a cold frame, at the next potting on, use john innes no2, grow on in the cold frame for 2 to 3 years, before planting out where you want them, Derek.
26 Aug, 2014