By Begobligan
United Kingdom
We planted onions toward the end of March and one or two of them have grown very tall with a pod? on top why is this? and spinach planted soon after has gone to seed can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong--I have'nt yet found out how to add a photo!
16 Jun, 2010
Thanks Tugbrethil, the onions were bought in a pack, from a garden centre I can't remenber the breed of them though
16 Jun, 2010
Peewee marble size is fine, but jumbo marble size is getting iffy. Jumbo olive size is definitely too big. I've had a few problems lately because the Dutch sets I've been getting from the nursery lately seem to get bigger each year.
16 Jun, 2010
Onions will bolt if they get to dry. Inadequate and/or irregular watering causes it!
17 Jun, 2010
Thanks, Ian, I forgot that. I'm so used to watering things to a fairtheewell here, I forget how things can be for people who rely on the rain more--when it doesn't arrive!
17 Jun, 2010
Thanks evrybody, our allotment does seem to dry out quickly although I water it every morning (unless its raining) but in this part of Lincolnshire we dont get much rain!
17 Jun, 2010
What size were the onions when you planted them, Begobligan? Onion sets above a critical size will bloom instead of forming a bigger bulb. Spinach is a cool weather crop, and many varieties will bolt if the weather turns hot and dry. Sometimes it does better if planted in late summer for a fall crop.
16 Jun, 2010