I Potato Blight It is looking as if this could be a year for potato blight
By Bulbaholic
Potato Blight
It is looking as if this could be a year for potato blight. I have been reading that whilst Bordeaux Mixture is considered to be an organic control treatment it is not very environmentally friendly and can take a long time to break down in the soil.
The alternative suggested is Dithane 945, a chemical treatment but much better for bees and the environment. Does anyone have experience of this?
17 Jun, 2010
My 'cure' for blight is the incinerator! I just dig everything up and burn the lot!
17 Jun, 2010
Thanks Bertie, your answere makes sense. I only have Cheshunt Compound in the shed to combat damping off but might use this on the potatoes. I don't want to lose the whole crop, Ian!!!!
17 Jun, 2010
give the garden some lime dont grow potatoes on the same plot for seven years try some cabbages etc next year on that plot
18 Jun, 2010
Blight blows in on the wind and falls in the rain, Kennyboy. So even a drastic move like you suggest isn't likely to work for long.
As for not growing potatoes for seven years!!! We'd starve or have to exist on Jersualem artichokes (a fate worse than death!)
19 Jun, 2010
No fartichokes in our garden, Bertie :-)
19 Jun, 2010
I think the problem with Bordeaux Mixture is the build up of copper in the soil if you use it frequently. But it won't harm bees, especially if you spray it in the morning or evening when the bees aren't active.
The only problem with Dithane 945 is that it is extremely harmful to aquatic organisms, from water fleas to fish, so don't spray it anywhere near a pond, ditch, stream or river.
I think you are right about potato blight. Even here, a good distance south of you, we are experiencing a lot of wet humid weather. Once the potatoes get it, it spreads to the tomatoes, so I shall be spraying very soon, much though I dislike having to do it.
17 Jun, 2010