By Nickis
United Kingdom
my tree fern has produced no new fronds this year and the old ones from last year are dying off. Is my tree dead?
17 Jun, 2010
I did pack the tree fern for the winter with some of the dead fronds, it is in a quite sheltered area.
17 Jun, 2010
So the fronds did die back over winter, as expected? That sort of protection is usually enough, but last winter was particularly harsh, so you may have lost it. You can try giving it a drink of sugary water in the top, see if that kickstarts things, but if not, its an ex tree fern, I'm afraid.
17 Jun, 2010
Many thanks for your help i will try the sugary water. thanks
17 Jun, 2010
Hmm, well, Marguerite, with respect, I'd suggest you are unaware of the unusually harsh conditions we had here in the UK last winter - many people have, indeed, lost their Tree Ferns, and the number of Cordylines, mature and young, lost to the winter numbers in the thousands.
17 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Quite possibly, after this last winter, specially if you didn't provide protection as recommended. Even some of the protected ones died this year. That said, though, I'm puzzled by the fact you say last year's fronds are dying off - most tree ferns start the new year completely frondless, and new ones start growing in late spring - if yours kept its fronds all winter, it must have been very sheltered, or even in a greenhouse.
17 Jun, 2010