By Pfwin2014
United Kingdom
Can you please confirm whether this lilac coloured plant is a flower or a weed.

7 Sep, 2014
Hi, yes it is a budleja, but 1 that thebirds have planted for you, they sprout up everywhere, even in the gutters on buildings, so unless you want it there, it's a weed, Derek.
7 Sep, 2014
Yup a buddleja, probably needs to be moved to somewhere that it can grow to six-foot each year. You can prune so it won't get much taller than that.
7 Sep, 2014
I had a minature variety called " Blue chip low and behold " that kept on flowering from summer to fall and attained a max height of four feet. It was a magnet for butterflies! bees and hummers and gave off a wonderful perfume. Had it for three years until this past severe winter killed it even though it should have servived a zone 6. Got another one and this time I am going to cut it close to the ground, place burlap over it and cover it heavily with mulch. The weather forecasters in my part of the world are talking about another polar vortex causing the same severely snowy and cold winter as last year.
7 Sep, 2014
Thanks to Loosestrife, Moon growe, Derekm and Catty4667 for their quick and helpful responses to my question. My wife is going to nurture it, within reason as it looks nice.
7 Sep, 2014
Thanks guys for all the replies. Very helpful.
7 Sep, 2014
Hum, my BLue chip flowered poorly last year and this year not at all. Very disappointing. If you are going to keep it (and it can survive well without any special nurturing as they self sow just about anywhere) it would be a good idea to move it from where it is while its still small enough - it will need a lot more space all round than it has in that border.
7 Sep, 2014
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I think it is a buddleja, very good for butterflies and grows quite big, more shrub/tree than flower.
7 Sep, 2014