Please help identify my new plants
By Heathervg
Davidson, North Carolina,
United States
I hope someone can help me here. I bought these at my local Food Lion yesterday for .99. They all have a tag that says "tropical foliage" which doesn't help me at all. I just
wanted to know what they were and how to care for them, Thank you.
here is my FLICKR for better pictures

22 Jul, 2008
Could one - the one in back of the small striped on in front - be a bromeliad? The leaves look kind of similar to me, but I could be wrong.
Something similar happened to me when my mom gave me a leaf she bought me as a gift at the .99 cent store - it came with nothing - no tags, no explanation - it grew and grew and finally, with the help of GOY, I found out it wa sa banana tree! It's huge now. Food Lion is a supermarket, I don't have one near me but I buy some of my flowers at Kroger's so among the food and the wines there's the plants! =)
24 Jul, 2008
Previous question
« My tomato plants have lots of leaves and flowers but no sign of tomato's.also...
I think the one with the stripes across the leaves is a Sanseveria. Possibly Hahni var. The one behind it could be a Dracena of some type.
23 Jul, 2008