By Honeybean
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Mulch Advice?
My friend has just suggested I mulch my flower beds. I think this could be a good idea as the ground gets very dry here as we are south facing.
Can anyone suggest a good mulch that is quite fine? My garden centre only seems to sell the large bark type which I have used once before. However, I didn't like it because its quite big bits of bark and I can't really even dig it in and it doesn't seem to have any nutritional value.
17 Jun, 2010
A mulch should not be fine, the idea isn't for it to sink into the soil but to remain on the top to keep moisture in the soil. So decorative bark, pebbles or a membrane will all work. The best times to mulch are late spring and autumn, mulching in summer is not advised as the soil is already dry and the mulch will make it more difficult for the water to percolate through. I guess you could give the area a good soaking with the sprinkler and then mulch.
18 Jun, 2010
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Anyone tried "Strulch"? Hi Have you tried "Strulch" have... »
you cou;d use bags of multpurpose compost but that may work out rather expensive. spent mushroom compost is supposed to be good too.
and welcoe to GoY
17 Jun, 2010