By Sallysawdust
United Kingdom
Have a 30+yr old cherry tree. Bits of bark are peeling & at the base is sawdust.think I can see a hole that looks Asifya drilled into tree. Where bark has peeled back are a few "bug like" shiny,slug like things. Any ideas?
11 Sep, 2014
it could be completely rotten in places and them holes will be wood lice that only eat dead wood . get a screw driver and have a prod about if you are in England .
12 Sep, 2014
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« This "splatted" on to my windscreen while driving. Can you identify it?...
Above your question, it says you're in the UK - are you? Because in the UK, we don't have borer beetles/insects that affect trees at the moment, but other parts of the world do.
If you are in the UK, photographs of the problem would be useful.
11 Sep, 2014