United Kingdom
What is the best way to get rid of bramble roots and ground elder? We have a bed thick with them in our churchyard and want to plant a garden.
18 Jun, 2010
Roundup and digging. If you want to plant a garden afterwards don't use anything that will leave a residue in the soil.
18 Jun, 2010
After weedkilling your brambles let them die back and then cut off all the main branches down to about 6 inches. Getting down close loosen the soil around the stem and follow back some of the major roots (they can be several feet long). Cut these or pull them out. These weaken the hold of the plant and you can then rock it about and pull out the whole stem. 3 years ago I cleared a derelict plot one summer in this way and I now only have to keep an eye out for weak new growths which get pulled out easily.
18 Jun, 2010
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weedol this is quite a good weedkiller
18 Jun, 2010