By Mizzle
Potatoes and Parsley
Hello, I have a couple of questions that people with more experience may be able to help with!
1. I've dug up my potatoes and now I have 4 potato buckets full of soil and roots. Can I fling this on the compost heap? If that's a bad idea, what else can I do with "used" soil?
2. My parsley and coriander plants went to seed. Can I keep the seeds to grow next year or are they done?
Any advice is appreciated!
Marie x
14 Sep, 2014
I usually put used compost on the beds to improve the soil a bit - could certainly do with all the help it can get! You can rake the roots out once the compost's out of the containers.
14 Sep, 2014
You can try the herb seed - nothing to lose!
14 Sep, 2014
Thanks for your help! Seeds look a bit "dead" but we'll see what happens!
12 Oct, 2014
As long as there was no blight on the potato plants then you may put the remains on the compost heap.
Seeds may be retained for next years use, as long as the original plants were not hybrids, especially F1, as they would not come true.
Store them in paper packets somewhere cool and dry.
14 Sep, 2014