By Doctorbas
United Kingdom
This is a small London garden. I was able to make space for a small flower bed and have planted euphorbia Fireglow, not expected to flower until next summer; they are growing well. So are some delphiniums Black Knight which are outside in large window boxes; they are flowering. I am nervous that the forecasts are already talking about early frost, and we are sure to have a cold winter. These boxes are too heavy to take indoors. Do they need watering in winter? Please advise on winter protection of both euphorbias an delphiniums . Thanks.
16 Sep, 2014
I agree you were given the responses from the members that chose to answer you.
Why not try asking the RHS for any further advice if you aren't confident with our responses.
16 Sep, 2014
Good suggestion Seaburngirl - Doctorbas, you've already had an answer from a professional gardener and a botanist to mention but two, so perhaps you'll trust the RHS more. They can be very helpful.
16 Sep, 2014
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I refer you to the answers you received the other two times you asked this question.
16 Sep, 2014