By Pope_dot
United Kingdom
Hi all, Can someone please identify this hedging plant and a possible cause for the damage to the leaves (mainly the top growth) I did notice quite a few snails around but wasn't sure if they could cause this type of damage. Also the owner of the hedge cut it back in July of this year. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you all. P.s uploading photo's from my iPad hoping they come out the right way round!

16 Sep, 2014
I suspect its is damage from it being cut with shears as some foliage has clear tears in it. as Feverfew says should be pruned rather than sheared.
17 Sep, 2014
Thank you feverfew and seaburngirl, I've looked at images on the net of common laurel, this looks slightly different?
17 Sep, 2014
Not Prunus lauroceras but Prunus lusitanica. Unfortunately, vine weevil and leaf mining moths can be a problem on this shrub, as well as possible slug/snail damage. I'd apply slug pellets and inspect the leaves for leaf miner damage - doesn't really look like vine weevil damage. Also check for possible scale infestation - look at the stems, backs of leaves.
17 Sep, 2014
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Looks like a common Laurel, Prunus laurocerasus, used often for hedges. Don't know what's munching it tho'. Could be either slugs or a caterpillar of some kind. You would surely see the slugs/snails if you go out to look at night. It should be pruned with secateurs rather than clipped with shears. Hope this is of some help.
16 Sep, 2014