By Fentoi
United Kingdom
Head or heart? I recently lost climbing rose Dr W van Fleet. I was particularly fond of it as it was in the first garden we ever had and in my current garden I had grown this particular one from a cutting I took (with permission!) from my childrens' school years ago. My dilemma: shall I buy another Van Fleet (heart) or go for New Dawn which was I think, bred from it and should flower for longer (head)? What would you do?
18 Jun, 2010
Thanks for this. Have decided to go for New Dawn, it does have the same beautiful delicate pink blooms. Haven't tried Rootgrow before - will give it a go.
20 Jun, 2010
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Well, a change is as good as a rest, why not choose something better? Doesn't have to be the same rose, does it, but one thing you will have to do if you want to plant your new rose in the same position as the old one, and that is buy some Rootgrow, or you run the risk of the new rose not doing well and suffering from rose sickness.
18 Jun, 2010