By Noakesey
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
The bamboo in my neighbours garden is invading into mine at an alarming rate. It has a big heavy stem and height is now approx 8ft. I cannot locate the garden "designer" ( I used that word cautiously) who laid out the garden 2 or 3 years ago. The house is empty at the moment so there is no contact there for me to approach. What can I legitimately do?
19 Jun, 2010
You're legally entitled to dig out or cut back anything that grows over or into your boundary. Only legal solution is to dig out what you can and insert a rhizome root barrier across the area to prevent its spreading into your garden - must be inserted vertically to a depth of 18 inches, available on the internet.
19 Jun, 2010
easier said than done bamboo
20 Jun, 2010
you mite be right legaly mind you.
20 Jun, 2010
Thanks for responses but so far feel I am no further forward except to dig in the barrier, which is not going to be an easy job for me.
24 Jun, 2010
no its not noakesey and i feal your not going to get any help before the law changes on these plants eg cars made before the seat belt law came out can still be driven without a seat belt .i found it ominus the other day at my local garden centre as they had totaly stopped selling all there bamboo types so something is going to happen . there is a garden a slim garden path away from common land near me so its just a matter of time i fear .
24 Jun, 2010
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i should go to your local council as the bamboo wont stop . i mean you could put a membrane round it but why should you .someone owns that house and the plants in it .it wont be down to the people who designed the garden or who planted the bamboo unless there the owners . the owners are the responsable ones excuse my spelling . this bamboo unchecked is so hard to move and theres know laws on it YET . people plant it not realy knowing what there not saying its going to be easy for you but its the owner who is at fault.are you in a private estate or in a council estate .if its council then id go there. i would anyway as they mite know who to aproach about this . the other place you can go is citizans advice to to see what you can do . i know if it was say an apple tree you cut the branches down your side and offer them to the owner . i realy dont know about this plant.that asian knot weed is now ilegal to plant because its invasive. you have to have planning permission now to plant laylandii conifers .i still think its a government body youl have to aproach or the owners . i would still start with the council or housing accosiation . i hope ive helped and i fear this problem of bamboo getting out of hand . i mean i own bamboo but i know how to plant it responsibly .it is a nightmare to kill or move. i know its to tough for any legal weedkillers. sorry about your dilemma . good luck bye for now .
19 Jun, 2010