By Steragram
United Kingdom
My blueberry has outgrown its pot and needs to go in the ground. My soil is pH6.5. How much ericaceous compost and/or peat if I can find any should I add to the bed before planting do you think?
22 Sep, 2014
Any pine trees near by? I use their needles as a mulch around my Blueberries and it works well with a top up of ericacious feed.
22 Sep, 2014
We've only got ash and sycamore round here. There is a conifer plantation a few miles away but they probably wouldn't take kindly to strugs digging up the needles! Good suggestion though. But we do have a long conifer hedge .- guess I could put some of the trimmings on as a mulch but not until the next trim next year.
22 Sep, 2014
Old Christmas trees work a treat and a good free source of them.
23 Sep, 2014
In short supply right now but will remember to nick any I see thrown out in Jan!
23 Sep, 2014
Thank Snoop. Our water is soft though, so no need for the rainwater. I was wondering whether I should get more than one bag of the compost to be on the safe side. I like the idea of a "nest" of compost!
22 Sep, 2014