By Growmore
United Kingdom
I have 3 cordylines all looking "dead". However there is growth in the centre. Should I prune all this away which will leave on all three a feeble tall plant and how is the best way to do this. Also on one I have pulled all the leaves off by hand which came off readily but I am left with 3 young trunks with no leaves on now - should I cut if off at the bottom to give the main part of the plant a chance of not.
21 Jun, 2010
I lost my beautiful red cordyline to the snow (as i failed to protect it - lesson learnt) and asked on GOY what I should do with the dead looking stump. Had mixed replies but as it continued to look dead, last week i went out to just pull it all up and lo and behold, two new leaves are growing out of the side of the original (still looking dead stump) so am a very happy bunny. I would advise then, to wait and see if mother nature helps you out.
21 Jun, 2010
They may well be dead! However, as Minihoney's experience shows, they can revive. It may be best simply to get rid of them and renew, as growing again to the state they were in before they died or went into a decline will take some time.
23 Jun, 2010
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If they look too tall and gangly then i would chop them off at a foot high and see what happens. You could always try it with just one!
21 Jun, 2010