By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hope some one can identify this plant. We moved into a new house late last year and in the process of taking out a conifer hedge we came across this low growing plant. I thought it might be a weed but the roots were tubers like a dahlia and there was the remains of a pink flower. I have a photo of a leaf which grow out from the base with no side shoots. I divided the plant and put them in a similar shady area and they have all survived. Now all I need is a name please

2 Oct, 2014
If this was a wild plant I would say Dropwort, Filipendula vulgaris.
3 Oct, 2014
With pink flowers? Suppose you wait until next year and show a pic of the whole plant with a flower?
3 Oct, 2014
I meant to delete the above comment so please ignore it, the leaves are so characteristic. Have since discovered that there is a pink variety.
3 Oct, 2014
I though Filipendula but mine doesn't have the tubers its a fibrous root system.
6 Oct, 2014
Thanks for your help. I have checked with Prof Google for images of filipendula but I think this plant is too small. The leaves are only a max of 6 inches long. Here's hoping that there are flowers next year to help further with identification.
6 Oct, 2014
Look at some of the wild parsley/wild carrot/chervil etc.
7 Oct, 2014
I have identified this plant now with your help. It is fliipendula hexpetala. The only place that I have seen it was in the Flower Expert book by Hessayon. All the other filipendula in searches seem to be vulgaris. So it's now divided and planted in different places in the garden to see what is best. Thanks again.
4 Nov, 2014
from the leaf it looks like an achillea or a filipendula but they don't have tubers.
the other thought is that it could be one of the wild carrots, they have a 'carrot' rootstock usually white [don't eat though].
see what any one else suggests
3 Oct, 2014