By Homebird
United Kingdom
Could someone tell me what this plant is called. The pink flowers only open when the sun is on them. The leaves are club shaped. It grows from a rhyzome type root, and spreads from bits transplanted round the garden.

22 Jun, 2010
I didn't know oxalis came in blue - I thought it was always yellow? I'd quite like a blue one :-)
22 Jun, 2010
What makes you think it comes in blue, Cestina? And the commonest colour for these is in fact pink through to white.
22 Jun, 2010
Ah, on my computer it looks very blue......or possibly mauve. Certainly doesn't look pink lol
That's kind Homebird but we aren't in the same country I fear.....
22 Jun, 2010
They come in every colour but pure blue. They range from purple to red (including red and white in O. versicolor) to orange and yellow. It all depends on the species.
22 Jun, 2010
my neighbour has 2 big clumps of this it always looks so pretty
22 Jun, 2010
Oxalis, not sure what variety
22 Jun, 2010