By Androse
United Kingdom
Hi its been a while since I was on but can anyone help me with a problem. I have moved 2 established Christmas roses this year one has got buds but the bigger one has just got foliage what can I do to rectify this
12 Oct, 2014
Ok I will wait as I know they are both Christmas ones, I bet the big one is a male if it's sulking
13 Oct, 2014
Lol! They do sulk sometimes when moved.
14 Oct, 2014
except they are both male and females in the same flower :o)
15 Oct, 2014
I'd just wait and see as my Christmas rose hasn't produced any buds yet. Are they both Christmas ones or is one for easter? I tend to have more spring flowering ones. if it is sulking then during the spring feed it and make sure you keep it well watered after moving it.
12 Oct, 2014