By Silverbell
United Kingdom
Another question. I rescued some some sad looking perenials from the pound shop, repotted them and they are now doing fine in the pots. When would be the best time to plant them out? Scabious,achillia, astible and sidalcia. Thanks :-)
23 Jun, 2010
Thanks. They're actually quite perky just now. The scabious is flowering and it's great to see some bees back in the garden after the clear out I had a few weeks back. The garden's quite bare looking this year but hopefully will be full next year. None of the seeds I planted have come to much but I'm playing "wait and see". Are perenials slower to start than annuals? I have lupins, aquilegia, delphiniums and hollyhocks.
23 Jun, 2010
I find some seeds grow for me and some just dont? Annuals are a quick way of filling gaps in for a summer (as they grow so quick and some will self seed for next year) while the perennials are establishing. Your perennials will come in to their own next year keep them well watered/fed this year and look out for pests and diseases which can be controlled. I had a lot of rust this year on my Hollyhocks.
23 Jun, 2010
If you are having the same dry weather as we are, Silverbell, I would wait until it is over, back to normal, before planting. In the short term you could even 'plant' the pots in the ground and then unpot the plants when they have finished flowering. Just remember which plants are still potted though and keep watering them.
23 Jun, 2010
Thanks Drc and Bulbaholic. Yes, we've not had real rain here for a couple of weeks. I've been wearing the floor out traipsing to and fro with the watering can - no taps anywhere near my garden. Good fun though. :-)
23 Jun, 2010
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They have had a tough time so give them a while to settle when they look perky/growing they should be fine and choose a cooler time (evening) and water well when transplanting.
23 Jun, 2010