United Kingdom
this is the first year I have not got any flowers on my nasturtiums, just big saucers leaves
24 Jun, 2010
I've just eaten nasturtium leaves in a green salad for the first time - delicious!
24 Jun, 2010
Mine have been in bloom for 2 weeks,Bamboo, although I have a lot of yellowing leaves underneath...wondered why! They are well watered and I gave them a dose of Epsom salts after reading about that. Right or wrong to do so?
24 Jun, 2010
mine are in tubs and are quite slow and like Izzy have yellowing leaves but found the dreaded blackfly on some today...
24 Jun, 2010
Snap, Pamg! Just found the same tonight...absolutely covered! They weren't there this morning when I went to school.....:-(((((
24 Jun, 2010
If I keep pulling leaves off to eat them, before any buds have formed at all, will this affect the flowering or more leaves coming? I'm getting a taste for them :-)
25 Jun, 2010
I'd leave them some Cestina--- they need to eat too :0)))))
25 Jun, 2010
Well I wasn't going to entirely denude them :-) There are many plants so I wondered if I could still keep nicking the odd couple of leaves or if I should wait till the plants are much bigger? I only had the idea of sowing them recently - they are in a huge old tin bath I found in the loft here - my son says it looks like a coffin.
I was using it to dump old soil/compost from pots as I redid them and then thought why not nasturtiums? It's not really very visible so I shall just use them as a food crop .......
25 Jun, 2010
only joking!!! maybe when they flower it will look bright & cheerful :0)
25 Jun, 2010
Izzy - re the epsom salts - these supply magnesium, so if your plant is short of this element, then that will sort it out. However, magnesium shortage in plants usually produces a quite distinctive pattern of yellowing on leaves.
25 Jun, 2010
found ants today with the blackfly, someone said that they 'farm ' them?
I think when we've all gone ( like the dinosaurs) Ants will take over the world.....
25 Jun, 2010
Quick note to say that my first nasturtium flower opened yesterday.
28 Jun, 2010
day before mine Bamboo but you've had it even hotter than us I think
28 Jun, 2010
31 deg C yesterday - unbearable!
28 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Too early - they don't usually flower before July, and this year they were later than usual to get going.
24 Jun, 2010