By Ronleaver
United Kingdom
My lawn developed patches of dead grass which I attributed to leatherjackets or Chafer grubs so I treated it with Provado Lawn Grub Killer and although the dead patches are still there no further ones have appeared.
Mt neighbour had the same problem but did not treat his lawn and now holes about half an inch wide have appeared in each of his bare patches. Is this because the grubs in his lawn have not been killed and have now surfaced and will now by breeding to create a similar problem next year and if so what steps can I take to prevent my lawn suffering the same fate next year.
I would be very grateful for any advice that you can give me
Ron Leaver
24 Jun, 2010
I feel I may have the same problem in my garden as it has brown patches too. I thought it was due to hot weather. i will post the pic later.
24 Jun, 2010
you can buy nematodes for this problem.order now get them in the autumn.
26 Jun, 2010
You can spread a polytarp on the lawn and in the morning the grubs will be underneath. Also you can get your neighbour to treat his lawn the same as you.
24 Jun, 2010