United Kingdom
I thought my cordyline had died thro frost damage but I now see three buds at the base of the plant - should I leave them or pot them up please?
25 Jun, 2010
Leave them for the time being - you need to get some root with them, so let them grow on till they're good sized plantlets, then scrape away the soil at the base to see if they have any roots attached - if so, you need a very sharp knife, cut downwards to get some root with the plantlet and pot up separately.
25 Jun, 2010
thanks from me Bamboo---thats what i'll do
25 Jun, 2010
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I've got one doing something similar, my instinct is to leave it until the new shoots grow bigger, I'll look for others to answer to see if thats what I should do as well
25 Jun, 2010