By Shazziepx
Surrey, United Kingdom
I a putting my garden to bed for the winter.
What shall I do with the Lavender, Hostas, Red Banana.
Any advice will be appreciated.
- 28 Oct, 2014
Your lavender appears to be an L. stoechas variety - these aren't quite as hardy as ordinary lavender, and it may need extra protection from cold if we have a bad winter.
28 Oct, 2014
The hosta can safely be left outside all winter. Wait until leaves die back and then remove. I may well move it to the wall of your house.....but I am positive they are full hardy. Perhaps you will want to repot next out for slugs and snails......I water in spring and summer with Slugclear. I find this keeps the blighters away.
28 Oct, 2014
Thank you for all your invaluable advice. Looks like my plants will survive this winter.
9 Nov, 2014
Lavender and Hosta can be left outside as they are hardy. The Ensete (Red Banana) needs to come inside or a greenhouse which never goes below freezing. You can cut off all the leaves and roots of the Ensete and store it somewhere dry and frost free but it depends on how thick the pseudostem is.
28 Oct, 2014