By Cinderella
United Kingdom
Does anyone know why 2 streptocarpus leaves should grow fused together

25 Jun, 2010
Thanks MG. I have heard of that, but it is usually with flower stems isn't it.
25 Jun, 2010
Yes it is - we see it with some of our bulbs in pots... will happen one year - the next they are fine!
Take a look at on the RHS website. Oh and don't try to put a plant on the show bench with fasciation!
25 Jun, 2010
I wouldnt dream of doing that. Thanks will look that up.
25 Jun, 2010
Previous question
« when i harvest potatoes from a grow bag wii the remainder contiue to grow
This is fasciation and to be honest I don't know why it happens!
25 Jun, 2010