By Sandijayne
United Kingdom
my potato plants are about a meter high and are falling over and i cant get my hand in the pot as it feels root bound, are they ok?
25 Jun, 2010
yes i think you are right , the pots measured approx 30cm across and about just over a foot high, but i wrapped black plastic bags around the top so i could put more grass cuttings around them. I think i planted them end of march/beg april. Do you think i have potatoes in there somewhere? Thanks Sandi
26 Jun, 2010
The only way to know is to turn the pot out - personally I doubt you have edible potatoes.
26 Jun, 2010
oh dear, at least th courgettes are growing, many thanks for your help
26 Jun, 2010
Out of curiosity why did you put grass clippings round the potato tops rather than soil?
27 Jun, 2010
i saw it on alys fowlers the edible garden and so i have also put the clippings around my courgettes, tomatoes and cucumbers as it helps to retain the moisture.
28 Jun, 2010
That makes sense but your potatoes... no!
28 Jun, 2010
Oh well, never mind, you learn by your mistakes. When I empty them out I will let you know whats in, or not in, the pots. Many thanks for all your comments.
29 Jun, 2010
You possibly did not plant them in a big enough pot and so have not been able to earth up properly. When did you plant them?
26 Jun, 2010