By Lyma08
United Kingdom
I think my cordyline australis tree has died due to the bad winter. I cut the top off and was left with two trunks and no leaves, thinking new shoots would grow, but nothing so far. There is an unpleasant smell coming from the tree. Should I dig it out as seems to have no life left in it?
26 Jun, 2010
i have a number of cordylines in my garden and generally they do re-grow as you say - however the ones that have not have gone all soft at the stem - when you pinch the stem i mean - if that has happened you could see how far down the softness goes and cut it again below that to stop the rot - they are amazing at recovering - dare i suggest patience? although if you are mid summer there i would have expected to see some shoots now as you say - sometimes the stem will die back and new shoots come up from the roots ... i do hope it recovers for you - Cate =))
26 Jun, 2010