By Cate
New South Wales,
Dear cyclamen fans - i too have caught the bug!! - they are soooo pretty!! - however they are still in plastic pots and i want to re-pot them into something more attractive and permanent - but i'm not sure what kind of soil to use? can anyone give me some guidance please? - i live in the sub tropics and put while it's winter put them outside every night to enjoy the cold - they seem to be happy with this but will have to hibernate in a dim shady part of the garden over summer - does this make a difference to the soil i should use? and do i water them in their summer hibernation or do i need to keep them dry? thanks in anticipation - Cate =))
26 Jun, 2010
I would just use a good, loam based potting compost with added grit, Cate. In summer they want to be dryish, but not bone dry. Try and keep a little moisture in the compost. I suspect that your main difficulty will be keeping them cool enough in summer. On the plus side you should not have much difficulty with some of the more tender ones that we can't keep.
26 Jun, 2010