By Roymin
United Kingdom
Hi all, I'm a new member, I have a few Triteleia Laxa in my garden, I would like to move them, and increase the quantity, to a new bed. I had in mind planting the small bulbs in pots in August and planting out next spring, is there a better way of doing it. thanks Roymin
27 Jun, 2010
We have the other problem, they self seed all over the place. But, that is ok by me as we are getting a fair number of colour variations from pure white through to the usual Queen Fabiola type.
So, save the seed and sow it fresh and leave it over winter to germinate in Spring. They take about 2 to 3 years to flower from seed.
27 Jun, 2010
If the new bed is ready I would move the bulbs directly into it in August. Transplanting bulbs from pots to the ground, once they have started to grow, is tricky as root disturbance could upset the flowering for next year. If you need to pot them up then how about burying the whole pot in the ground in the spring and keep replanting until August 2011.
27 Jun, 2010
Previous question
« thank you, picked one, big as a tennis ball and a bit strong taste
hello and welcome to GoY.
personally I'd replant the bulbs where you want them to grow. rather than have to think about watering extra pots . unless the new bed isnt ready then they will be fine. Are yours flowering already. mine arnt but I am in Yorkshire so that would explain it.
27 Jun, 2010