By Lynneken
United Kingdom
I wish to plant roses along a 50 m long driveway, prefer to have growth bushy to 60 cm. a very open sunny location.
Please advise type to purchase
7 Nov, 2014
I can't give advice on Roses as they are not my forte but I would suggest blending in evergreen Roses else you may be looking out onto 50ft of 'dead twigs' during winter.
7 Nov, 2014
If you don't mind lots of thorns you might look at the rugosa type. They are thick,tough, bushy and very thorny and most have huge wonderful hips long into the autumn and early winter. They mostly have large pink single flowers.
7 Nov, 2014
60cm is a fairly short height for a rose, so you could be looking at the 'patio roses' group to fulfill your needs here. They vary from 45 - 60 cm in height. The flowers tend to be smaller but there are masses of them. A good selection of these is shown under the 'patio and miniature' option at:
8 Nov, 2014
If you must have roses (they do look really unimpressive in winter, need spraying fortnightly in the growing season, feeding twice in the season, pruning annually and frequent deadheading, so hardly low maintenance, not to mention the requirement for up to date tetanus injections because of the the thorns) then there's only one I'd recommend at the size you want - Rosa Korresia, a Kordes floribunda rose. It doesn't get large, usually around 60 cm high and wide, is highly disease resistant (unlike many others), semi glossy green foliage, good repeat flowering, lightly fragranced, doesn't suffer rain spotting to the flowers. Which is fine if you like yellow flowers... otherwise look at other Kordes roses - that breeder produces roses with a good degree of disease resistance.
9 Nov, 2014
True if you are very caring. But there is a planting of Rugosas right on the cliffs near here, nothing seems to be done to them, not even weeding as short grass grows all round them. True they can get tall and scraggy eventually if not occasionally cut back but they are really really tough and very beautiful.
9 Nov, 2014
Agree with Stera re rosa rugosa - good food for birds and the bare stems in winter can be very effective - you could intersperse them with something noted for winter colour.
9 Nov, 2014
Except that rosa rugosa generally make a height and spread of 1-1.5 metres, well over 60 cm.
10 Nov, 2014
So they do - hadn't thought about that.
10 Nov, 2014
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Wow! Where to start? So many variables....
Do you want all the same roses along the whole length of the drive?
Do you have a preference for any particular colours (or colours to avoid)?
Are you bothered about scent and thorns?
My 'go to' site is Peter Beales where you can select roses by just about anything you can think of (the only filter they don't seem to have is 'disease resistance' but it is included in the descriptions)
this is the ideal time to buy as supplies of bare root stocks are just coming on to the market.
7 Nov, 2014