By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Water butt installed....
Yesterday we bought a water butt and hubby installed it. We debated whether to have a submersible water pump or not....I declined at that stage...but now wonder if we should have purchased one as all that filling of watering cans could be tiring! Mind you, we need to have some rain first! LOL..Your thoughts folks?
27 Jun, 2010
We have a huge water butt too and no pump, alas, it is also empty !! It is worryingly dry ??
27 Jun, 2010
Good grief!.... 10, Owdboggy?
Grandmage, how big is 'huge'? Just curious....thnk I might need another one! This one is 200 litres....:-(((((
27 Jun, 2010
I agree with Owdboggy, the more butts you have around your garden the better for you, (with tops on). Cans don't go wrong as they have no working parts. If your garden is very large you need an irrigation system.
27 Jun, 2010
Ooooohhhh not sure, about five foot tall and two feet wide ish !! Not sure of Litres worth I'm afraid and I also thought we could do with two but where to site it ?????
27 Jun, 2010's not large...nothing like my last one! However, ALTHOUGH we are concious of water costs and the environment, we did not instal any here as we didn't intend staying as long as 6 years! (5 children took their time to flee the nest, however!) LOL. Hmmmm!
Perhaps we need to have a re-think....
27 Jun, 2010
I think all of ours are 45 gallon ones, they are on every downspout and in some places there are two or three to a spout and if, ifiififif, it rains they fill up pretty quickly.
27 Jun, 2010
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We have 10 big water butts and not a pump in sight. Empty now though!
27 Jun, 2010