United Kingdom
Where can I purchase a Sambucus that has bright red stems and leaves and the most beautiful pale pink flowers? What is the cost per plant?
28 Jun, 2010
Along with the nearly black-leafed forms 'Black Lace', 'Black Beauty' and 'Guincho Purple' there is actually a slightly more red-purple leafed form of Sambucus nigra called 'Thundercloud'. All have similar, pink flowers.
Google each one and see which is the plant that you are looking for, then check the RHS Plantfinder online for local and mail-order suppliers:
28 Jun, 2010
I appreciate that information too Ilex as I adore Sambucus, esp. Black Lace, so I will look to see if Thundercloud is available over here.
Thanks for being so well informed.
30 Jun, 2010
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Do you mean Black Lace, which has dark red stems and leaves (almost black) , and the flowers are an adorable pink? I don't know of any bright red species.
If you look for Black Lace, I believe there are many nurseries that do it.
Most of the 'red' elders like sambucus callicarpa or chinensis just have red berries, not leaves.
28 Jun, 2010